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Meet the Board
Your Hardworking Shenanigan Coordinators!
Gregg Townsend
You’d be hard pressed to find a bigger Buffett fan than Gregg. He is a long time Las Vegas resident and has been with the Phin City Parrot Head Club since the beginning. Gregg knows everybody and everything! Just ask him! LOL!
"Capt Rick" Pettit
Vice President
Rick is a retired Air Force Captain and the owner of Las Vegas's only Trop Rock House Concert Venue! His favorite saying? "I'm in!"
"Gr8Fun" Debbie Smith
Deb is one smart cookie! She takes care of all that yucky math stuff for us and keeps us all organized. You will find her at our phlockings and socials pitching in and doing whatever needs to be done to make sure all our members are having a great PHUN time!!
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